Dehumidifiers for Hotel Chains

Hotels and Lodgings, Have a Healthy Environment to Receive your Guests!

Structures, electronic equipment, and furniture are badly damaged in lodgings located in places where relative humidity (RH) is high, especially seasonal lodgings, which stay closed for long periods.

These effects are inevitable even for the guests, which can be adversely affected by bad smells, mildew, and oxidation caused by proliferation of microorganisms such as fungi and mites.

These creatures are major causes of allergic and respiratory diseases as a result of enzymes released from their feces, which are taken to the air and, especially, to the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and the lining of the respiratory tract.

Thermomatic provides a number of air dehumidifier models for controlling and stabilizing humidity in apartments and other premises, avoiding, thus, losses for the owner and discomfort for guests.

Thermomatic Solutions

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