Dehumidifiers for Photographic Studios

Fungi usually grow in humid environments with low ventilation. Some parts of the photographic camera, especially the lenses, are the preferred food of some species. Increased air humidity is the main responsible for proliferation of these microorganisms.

For this reason, controlling room humidity is essential. Maintaining the levels of relative humidity between 30% and 50% helps lengthen the durability of the photographic equipment. Once the lenses are damaged, it is nearly impossible to restore them, for they are extremely delicate and can be definitely lost.

For this reason, maintain the humidity of your studio under control and protect your lenses against microorganisms such as fungi and mildew.

Thermomatic provides many dehumidifier models, which will be responsible for controlling the air humidity and maintaining many materials in perfect conditions.

Check the testimony of a satisfied client:

“Now I pay much more attention to humidity control in the space where I keep my equipment. In 2009 I have lost two lenses in the approximate amount of R$6,000.00 and a camera in the amount of R$3,500.00. I also send all my equipment to maintenance and cleaning every six months for prevention, because the price of the investment and care is not even equivalent to 10% of the value of the equipment I have today. It surely is a necessary care”, says Felipe Rodrigues – owner of Revo Produções.

Please contact one of our consultants and choose the best option for your business.