Dehumidifiers for Seeds

The seed industry has the role of providing high-quality seeds to the agriculturalist to ensure transfer of all technological advances developed by professionals of the segment of plant breeding, plant biotechnology and protection of seed-borne crops. In Brazil, this market moves R$10 billion per year and is the 3rd largest industry in the sector, after USA and China, according to the Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings – Abrasem.

The key practices of the Appropriate Seed and Grain Storage Systems for Small-scale Farmers, developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO, describe certain basic implementations for the key practices of seeds quality. The moisture content of the seed may vary between 6% and 15%, depending on type, and it is a major factor for proliferation of fungi or pests in warehouses. Conditions of 40% of ambient humidity and air temperature between 20°C and 30°C are generally considered good; however, with a humidity of 60%, even at optimum temperature, 20°C already leads to a decrease in the germination of the batch.

Studies carried out by the Seeds Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture and Horticulture of the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture – ESALQ-USP found that, in soybeans stored with moisture content higher than 14%, there was a quick decline of germination rates. The study concluded that rooms with low air humidity are better for preserving seeds, which have shown lower rates of deterioration.

Agronomic Engineer Márcia M. Rabelo Guimarães Kobori, a Doctoral Candidate            of the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture of USP/ESALQ, Professor in the Agronomy Course of the Higher Education Foundation of Bragança Paulista – Fesb states: “The purpose of conserving seeds during storage is to maintain their quality or mitigate losses. Fungi and pest attacks are directly related to the conditions in which seeds are stored, and the risks are low in seeds with an air temperature range up to 23°C with a water content of 12%. However, under adverse conditions, the seed batch can be lost if any vital parts of the seed, such as the embryo, are damaged.

In short, the main damages unusual humidity can cause to the seeds stored are:

– Reduce longevity

– Increase the risk of pathogen and pest attacks

– Lead to early germination

– Increase respiratory rate and temperature

In order to store seeds in an effective way, Thermomatic provides a solution with Desidrat line dehumidifiers, which ensure effective storage for long periods, reducing losses.

Please contact one of our consultants and get the best solution.